New feature: Order Cancellation

Cancel feature explanation

Now you can cancel your new/pending orders without waiting for automatic cancellation.

This feature is helpful on certain directions where limits are working.

Now you can immediately cancel new/pending order and re-create new order with needed amount.

How cancel order.

For more detailed information see here;

Limits explanation

If you ran out of your daily or monthly limit on certain exchange direction you can:

  • Try lowering amount for an exchange (e.g. if available limit is 100$ - try exchanging 99$);
  • Cancel your new orders and/or pending orders.;
  • Raise your limits by completing the verification process;
  • Try making an exchange order tomorrow or next month (daily limit will be reset at 00:00:00 (GMT+3) and monthly limit - next month).

If you have any questions, please contact us through Support system to get more information on how limits work.

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ALFAcashier team.

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