Eine Bestellung aufgeben
Geben Sie eine Bestellung für eine spezifische Wechselrichtung ein. Sie können spezifizieren,wie viel Sie über deposit_amount oder withdrawal_amount Parameter senden oder erhalten müssen.
URL: https://www.alfa.cash/api/create.json
Method: POST
Data required:
"gate_deposit": "Example: 'bitcoin'. Gate column from Direction of the exchange",
"gate_withdrawal": "Example: 'litecoin'. Gate column from Direction of the exchange",
"pair": "[DEPRECATED] Example: 'BTC_LTC'. Direction of the exchange, defined in the form [source_currency_code]_[destination_currency_code].",
"deposit_amount": "(Optional) example: '4.953', fixed deposit amount you'd like to send for an exchange.",
"withdrawal_amount": "(Optional) example: '6.431', fixed withdrawal amount you'd like to get after an exchange is made.",
"email": "Example: '[email protected]'",
"options": "Example: {'address': '1FgThhtLdSM1i78vXHGovA3WxzbTWA2mse'}, this array of parameters depends on source_currency_code.",
"r_uid": "(Optional) example: '2f777791', Affiliate Program ID.",
"promo_code": "(Optional) example: 'ALFACODE'."
Success Output example:
"secret_key": "Example: '11fb9a42045b0bf35ef40b8e96e45ebe', your order unique secret key which is used to track your order's status.",
"deposit": "(JSON Object) depending on deposit coin, there will be deposit address, array structure is the same as options.",
"deposit_amount": "Amount you'd need to send to complete an exchange.",
"withdrawal_amount": "Amount you'd receive upon completing exchange",
"order_id": "Unique order id in our system"
Error Output example:
{"error": "Missing required argument pair"}
cURL (example):
curl -X POST https://www.alfa.cash/api/create.json \ -H "Content-Type:application/json" \ --data '{"gate_deposit":"bitcoin","gate_withdrawal":"litecoin","deposit_amount":"1.4561","email":"[email protected]","options":{"address":"mnD8wHZKfdSwoKyW4H44spK2MqGAEXNbG9"}}'Response (example):
{ "secret_key": "fdce47f91e4b28c50e9f08beb4e43dee", "deposit": {"address":"n1S9pzENwn3QQgHcCE3afyxVrL57798eA2"}, "deposit_amount": 0.00827399, "withdrawal_amount": 0.87673802, "order_id": "581572" }
Aktuellen Wechselkurs bekommen
Mit dieser Funktion wird der aktuelle Wechselkurs zwischen den beiden aktuell ausgewählten Währungen angezeigt. Der Wechselkurs kann sich je nach Marktlage schnell ändern.
URL: https://www.alfa.cash/api/rate.json
Method: POST
Data required:
"gate_deposit": "Example: 'bitcoin'. Gate column from Direction of the exchange",
"gate_withdrawal": "Example: 'litecoin'. Gate column from Direction of the exchange",
"pair": "[DEPRECATED] Example: 'BTC_LTC', direction of the exchange, defined in the form [source_currency_code]_[destination_currency_code].",
"deposit_amount": "(Optional) example: '4.952', fixed deposit amount you'd like to send for an exchange.",
"withdrawal_amount": "(Optional) example: '6.431', fixed withdrawal amount you'd like to get after an exchange is made.",
"promo_code_discount": "(Optional) example: '10', discount percent returned from promo code validation."
Success Output example:
{"gate_deposit": "bitcoin", "gate_withdrawal": "litecoin", "pair": "BTC_LTC", "rate": 1.213456}
Error Output example:
{"error": "Invalid pair"}
cURL (example):
curl -X POST https://www.alfa.cash/api/rate.json \ -H "Content-Type:application/json" \ --data '{"gate_deposit": "bitcoin", "gate_withdrawal": "litecoin"}'Response (example):
{"gate_deposit": "bitcoin", "gate_withdrawal": "litecoin", "pair": "BTC_LTC", "rate": "108.82046494"}
Adresse bestätigen
Bestätigen Sie die spezifische Währungsadresse/Konto mit zusätzlichen Parametern wie destination_tag, Nachricht oder payment_ID.
URL: https://www.alfa.cash/api/validateaddress.json
Method: POST
Data required:
"gate_withdrawal": "Gate", // example: "bitcoin", Direction of the exchange
"currency": "[DEPRECATED] Currency", // example: "BTC", Currency Codes
"options": "Example: {'address': '1FgThhtLdSM1i78vXHGovA3WxzbTWA2mse'} This array of parameters depends on source_currency_code" // array of params
Success Output example:
{"valid": "true"}
Error Output example:
{"error": "Invalid payment_id"}
cURL (example):
curl -X POST https://www.alfa.cash/api/validateaddress.json \ > -H "Content-Type:application/json" \ > --data '{"gate_withdrawal":"stellar","options":{"account":"GAKUWGKLFUDBCS2JHZUTRUPXL5Q7C3KC2XXEGLK2J6JBILD2HYBYD55H","memo":"b5db89975bc958fa"}}'Response (example):
{"valid": true}
Promo Code Validation
Validates Promo Code for specific exchange direction (pair).
URL: https://www.alfa.cash/api/promo_code.json
Method: POST
Data required:
"code": "Example: 'ALFACODE'",
"gate_deposit": "Example: 'bitcoin'. Gate column from Direction of the exchange",
"gate_withdrawal": "Example: 'litecoin'. Gate column from Direction of the exchange",
"pair": "[DEPRECATED] Example: 'BTC_LTC', direction of the exchange, defined in the form [source_currency_code]_[destination_currency_code].",
Success Output example:
{"discount": "10"}
Error Output example:
{"error": "Invalid Promo Code"}
cURL (example):
curl -X POST https://www.alfa.cash/api/promo_code.json \ -H "Content-Type:application/json" \ --data '{"code":"ALFACODE","gate_deposit": "bitcoin", "gate_withdrawal": "litecoin"}'Response (example):
{"discount": "10"}