Crear un pedido
Puede crear un pedido de intercambio para una dirección de intercambio específica. Puede especificar cuánto necesita enviar o recibir a través de los parámetros deposit_amount o withdrawal_amount.
Method: POST
Data required:
"gate_deposit": "Example: 'bitcoin'. Gate column from Direction of the exchange",
"gate_withdrawal": "Example: 'litecoin'. Gate column from Direction of the exchange",
"pair": "[DEPRECATED] Example: 'BTC_LTC'. Direction of the exchange, defined in the form [source_currency_code]_[destination_currency_code].",
"deposit_amount": "(Optional) example: '4.953', fixed deposit amount you'd like to send for an exchange.",
"withdrawal_amount": "(Optional) example: '6.431', fixed withdrawal amount you'd like to get after an exchange is made.",
"email": "Example: '[email protected]'",
"options": "Example: {'address': '1FgThhtLdSM1i78vXHGovA3WxzbTWA2mse'}, this array of parameters depends on source_currency_code.",
"r_uid": "(Optional) example: '2f777791', Affiliate Program ID.",
"promo_code": "(Optional) example: 'ALFACODE'."
Success Output example:
"secret_key": "Example: '11fb9a42045b0bf35ef40b8e96e45ebe', your order unique secret key which is used to track your order's status.",
"deposit": "(JSON Object) depending on deposit coin, there will be deposit address, array structure is the same as options.",
"deposit_amount": "Amount you'd need to send to complete an exchange.",
"withdrawal_amount": "Amount you'd receive upon completing exchange",
"order_id": "Unique order id in our system"
Error Output example:
{"error": "Missing required argument pair"}
cURL (example):
curl -X POST \ -H "Content-Type:application/json" \ --data '{"gate_deposit":"bitcoin","gate_withdrawal":"litecoin","deposit_amount":"1.4561","email":"[email protected]","options":{"address":"mnD8wHZKfdSwoKyW4H44spK2MqGAEXNbG9"}}'Response (example):
{ "secret_key": "fdce47f91e4b28c50e9f08beb4e43dee", "deposit": {"address":"n1S9pzENwn3QQgHcCE3afyxVrL57798eA2"}, "deposit_amount": 0.00827399, "withdrawal_amount": 0.87673802, "order_id": "581572" }
Obtener el tipo de cambio actual
Este método muestra la tasa de cambio actual entre las monedas que se elijan en el par en este momento. La tasa de cambio puede cambiar rápidamente dependiendo del mercado.
Method: POST
Data required:
"gate_deposit": "Example: 'bitcoin'. Gate column from Direction of the exchange",
"gate_withdrawal": "Example: 'litecoin'. Gate column from Direction of the exchange",
"pair": "[DEPRECATED] Example: 'BTC_LTC', direction of the exchange, defined in the form [source_currency_code]_[destination_currency_code].",
"deposit_amount": "(Optional) example: '4.952', fixed deposit amount you'd like to send for an exchange.",
"withdrawal_amount": "(Optional) example: '6.431', fixed withdrawal amount you'd like to get after an exchange is made.",
"promo_code_discount": "(Optional) example: '10', discount percent returned from promo code validation."
Success Output example:
{"gate_deposit": "bitcoin", "gate_withdrawal": "litecoin", "pair": "BTC_LTC", "rate": 1.213456}
Error Output example:
{"error": "Invalid pair"}
cURL (example):
curl -X POST \ -H "Content-Type:application/json" \ --data '{"gate_deposit": "bitcoin", "gate_withdrawal": "litecoin"}'Response (example):
{"gate_deposit": "bitcoin", "gate_withdrawal": "litecoin", "pair": "BTC_LTC", "rate": "108.82046494"}
Validar dirección
Verifique la dirección que especificó/la cuenta monetaria específica con parámetros adicionales como destination_tag, message o payment_id.
Method: POST
Data required:
"gate_withdrawal": "Gate", // example: "bitcoin", Direction of the exchange
"currency": "[DEPRECATED] Currency", // example: "BTC", Currency Codes
"options": "Example: {'address': '1FgThhtLdSM1i78vXHGovA3WxzbTWA2mse'} This array of parameters depends on source_currency_code" // array of params
Success Output example:
{"valid": "true"}
Error Output example:
{"error": "Invalid payment_id"}
cURL (example):
curl -X POST \ > -H "Content-Type:application/json" \ > --data '{"gate_withdrawal":"stellar","options":{"account":"GAKUWGKLFUDBCS2JHZUTRUPXL5Q7C3KC2XXEGLK2J6JBILD2HYBYD55H","memo":"b5db89975bc958fa"}}'Response (example):
{"valid": true}
Promo Code Validation
Validates Promo Code for specific exchange direction (pair).
Method: POST
Data required:
"code": "Example: 'ALFACODE'",
"gate_deposit": "Example: 'bitcoin'. Gate column from Direction of the exchange",
"gate_withdrawal": "Example: 'litecoin'. Gate column from Direction of the exchange",
"pair": "[DEPRECATED] Example: 'BTC_LTC', direction of the exchange, defined in the form [source_currency_code]_[destination_currency_code].",
Success Output example:
{"discount": "10"}
Error Output example:
{"error": "Invalid Promo Code"}
cURL (example):
curl -X POST \ -H "Content-Type:application/json" \ --data '{"code":"ALFACODE","gate_deposit": "bitcoin", "gate_withdrawal": "litecoin"}'Response (example):
{"discount": "10"}