Earn money with Alfacash widget
This manual will help you earn money with Alfacash widget.
With Alfacash widget you can earn up to 20% of service fee on every exchange made by your website visitors!
Method 1: Earn money with your website
1. Log-in/Register at Alfacash
2. After authorization, you need to go to the widget landing page or click on the main page “Start now!” button:
3. Here you’ll see detailed information about Alfacash widget and how it works.
Scroll down and find the block “Exchange widget integration”.
To configure extra widget parameters (available currencies, amount, address, exchange direction etc) please refer to our widget documentation.
4. Click “COPY” to get exchange widget integration code.
It will look like this:
where 4f9260ab is your personal affiliate ID.
5. Now you need to insert this widget code into your website. This process will depend on the type of website you have and may vary. For CMS based websites you will need to add this code somewhere in the CMS settings/tools. We will provide an example on how to do this with a static website (e.g. static HTML).
6. Save the changes.
7. The Alfacash widget should look like this on your website:
Congratulations, now your website visitors can instantly exchange cryptocurrencies through Alfacash widget!
Method 2: Earn money without a website
If you don’t have a website you can still earn money with Alfacash widget.
1. Log-in/Register at Alfacash.
2. Enter into affiliate program section (or from My Account -> Referrals):
3. Copy the link from the ‘Your widget URL’ by right clicking on it and copying the link (or selecting the text and copying it):
4. Share your widget URL (https://widget.alfa.cash/?r_uid=XXXX) on your social media websites (e.g. Twitter, Facebook, VK, Instagram or any other) or add this link into your signature on various forums related to cryptocurrency (e.g. bitcointalk.org, bits.media, etc) or send this link to your friends looking for instant cryptocurrency exchange.
5. Your link contains a unique affiliate ID that allows us to track customers referred by your account with Alfacash widget.
Congratulations, now you can share your link with your friends, coworkers, and partners or use it on social media websites.
Earn on cryptocurrency exchanges with Alfacash Widget API!